Engineering Software
Monthly Special Offers -- CE e-Seminars
Engineering Software is pleased to announce that the Engineering Software CE e-Seminars are offered to you at a discount rate of 35% -- please fill out an Engineering Software e-Form and click on the Submit button when you are done!
Please note, once you place your order with Engineering Software, payment information -- an electronic invoice -- will be e-mailed to you and the PayPal (PayPal.Me) service will be used to make the payment.
Again, when it comes to Engineering Software e-seminars (webinars), e-seminar (webinar) registration can be handled directly by Engineering Software on its web site. Once the payment for an e-seminar (webinar) is made, Engineering Software sends an e-mail containing e-seminar (webinar) information!
Please note, the monthly special offers sales are final and there is no refund -- limit one e-seminar per Engineering Software web site visitor)!
In case you have some questions regarding the Engineering Software product line or Special Offers, please fill out an Engineering Software e-Form and click on the Submit button when you are done!