Engineering Software
Spreadsheet Demos
Engineering Software is pleased to announce that it has launched a spreadsheet type engineering e-solutions product line dealing with energy conversion systems.
Here are demo versions of Energy Conversion Spreadsheet 1.1 and Steam Approximations Spreadsheet 1.1:
Energy Conversion Spreadsheet 1.1 - Demo Version Hosted by Microsoft (Download Option is Provided
Steam Approximations Spreadsheet 1.1 - Demo Version Hosted by Microsoft (Download Option is Provided)
Energy Conversion Spreadsheet 1.1 - Demo Version Hosted by Google (Full View is Provided)
Steam Approximations Spreadsheet 1.1 - Demo Version Hosted by Google (Full View is Provided)
In order to check out Energy Conversion Spreadsheet 1.1 - Demo Version and Steam Approximations 1.1 - Demo Version hosted by Google in the cloud environment, fill out an Engineering Software e-Form relevant fields and an e-mail will be provided to you containing the access and/or URL information.
MS Office (Excel) Hardware Requirements and Software Compatibility:
486 and higher microprocessor, 16 MB RAM, 10 MB hard drive, Microsoft® Windows 98®, Windows 2000®, Windows ME®, Windows XP®, Windows Vista®, Windows 7®, Windows 8®, Windows 8.1® and Windows 10®
Note: Required Microsoft® Office 97® (Microsoft® Excel 97®) or higher and/or other spreadsheet compatible applications!
In general, individual file size for Energy Conversion Spreadsheet 1.1 - Demo Version and Steam Approximations 1.1 - Demo Version is less than 1 MB!
Energy Conversion Spreadsheet 1.1 and Steam Approximations Spreadsheet 1.1 - Demo Versions Fully Functional Options
When running your free demo/evaluation copy, only the following options are fully functional where applicable:
Thermodynamic and Transport Properties: Temperature and Pressure
Steam: Saturated: Temperature Dependent
Power Cycles: Brayton: Power
Power Cycle Components/Processes: Compression
Power Cycle Components/Processes: Combustion: Coal/Oil
Compressible Flow: Normal Shock
Compressible Flow: Thrust
Disclaimer of Warranty
The material and software (including demos) at the Engineering Software web site are provided without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of this material and software (including demos) is assumed by the user. In no event will Engineering Software be liable to the user for any lost profits or other incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use the Engineering Software material and software (including demos), even if Engineering Software has been advised as to the possibility of such damages.
If you have any questions or would like to have your copy of MS Excel Demo files e-mailed to your, feel free to contact Engineering Software -- fill out an Engineering Software e-Form and click on the Submit button when you are done!