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CE e-Seminars

Engineering Software is pleased to announce that it offers continuing education (CE) and professional development hours e-seminars (webinars) -- in general, Google Meet is used to deliver Engineering Software e-seminars (webinars) [up to twenty five (25) participants can sign up for such an e-seminar (webinar) session at a time]. 

Engineering Software has developed engineering educational material for energy conversion systems that analyzes ideal, basic and simple power cycles, power cycle components/processes and compressible flow when air, argon, helium and nitrogen are considered as the working fluid.

Engineering Software e-seminars (webinars) hosted by Engineering Software are an hour and/or two hours ($64.99 per hour) long e-seminars (webinars) presenting engineering educational material.

Energy conversion systems e-seminar (webinar) material breakdown is as follows:

Power Cycles -- Carnot, Brayton, Otto and Diesel 
Power Cycle Components/Processes -- Compression, Combustion (Carbon, Hydrogen, Sulfur, Coal, Oil and Gas) and Expansion
Compressible Flow -- Nozzle, Diffuser and Thrust


Both short and long term e-seminar (webinar) options are available -- on one time, weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly basis! 

To find out how Engineering Software can help you with your training needs, fill out an Engineering Software e-Form for questions regarding e-seminars (webinars) available through a browser over the Internet! 

Please note that in case your webinar registration needs to be processed quickly or there is some kind of a problem, Engineering Software can always process your registration and/or help with your problem directly!

Once you place your order with Engineering Software, payment information -- an electronic invoice -- will be e-mailed to you and the Google Pay and/or PayPal service will be used to make the payment! 

Again, when it comes to Engineering Software e-seminars (webinars), e-seminar (webinar) registration can be handled directly by Engineering Software on its web site.  Once the payment for an e-seminar (webinar) is made, Engineering Software sends an e-mail containing e-seminar (webinar) information! 

Therefore, fill out the Engineering Software e-Form for questions and registration issues regarding e-seminars (webinars) available through a browser over the Internet! 

One (1) Hour e-Seminar (Webinar) = One (1) Continuing Education Credit Hour

Upon successful e-seminar (webinar) presentation, Engineering Software will provide a copy of the e-Seminar (Webinar) Certificate in a PDF form either in an e-mail directly as an attachment and/or providing a URL for it -- Engineering Software can always mail a copy of the e-Seminar (Webinar)

Certificate to the student and/or mail it where it needs to go for the record.

When it comes to short e-seminars (webinars) hosted by Engineering Software, e-seminar (webinar) registration is handled by Engineering Software on its web site -- Engineering Software e-Form.  Once the registration for an e-seminar (webinar) is made, Engineering Software sends an e-mail containing e-seminar (webinar) information!

For Engineering Software hosted e-seminars (Webinars), only up to twenty five (25) participants can sign up for such an e-seminar (webinar) session at a time. 

For Engineering Software e-seminars (webinars) hosted by Engineering Software, the e-seminar (webinar) participants can start logging in at 12:45 PM EST!

For Engineering Software e-seminars (webinars) hosted by Engineering Software, the length is usually one (1) hour!

Engineering Software provides free technical support at:  (301) 919-9670!


Engineering Software e-Seminars (Webinars)


Energy Conversion Analysis -- One (1) Hour Long e-Seminar (Webinar)


The ideal, simple and basic power cycles (Carnot Cycle, Brayton Cycle, Otto Cycle and Diesel Cycle), ideal power cycle components/processes (compression, combustion and expansion) and ideal compressible flow components (subsonic nozzle, diffuser and thrust) are presented in this one hour e-seminar (webinar).  In the presented power cycles, power cycle components/processes and compressible flow analysis, air is used as the working fluid. 

For each power cycle thermal efficiency is presented and/or given in its final form. Also, for each power cycle, a T - s diagram and power cycle major performance trends (thermal efficiency, specific power output and power output) are plotted in a few figures as a function of compression ratio, turbine inlet temperature and/or final combustion temperature and working fluid mass flow rate.  It should be noted that this webinar does not deal with costs (capital, operational or maintenance). 

For compression and expansion, the technical performance of mentioned power cycle components/processes is presented with a given relationship between pressure and temperature.  While for combustion, the technical performance at stoichiometric conditions is presented knowing the enthalpy values for combustion reactants and products, given as a function of temperature.  This webinar provides the compression and expansion T - s diagrams and their major performance trends plotted in a few figures as a function of compression and expansion ratio and working fluid mass flow rate.  For combustion cases considered, combustion products composition on both weight and mole basis is given in tabular form and plotted in a few figures. Also, flame temperature, oxidant to fuel ratio and fuel higher heating value (HHV) are presented in tabular form and plotted in a few figures.  The provided output data and plots allow one to determine the major combustion performance laws and trends. 

For subsonic nozzle, diffuser and thrust, the technical performance of mentioned compressible flow components is presented with a given relationship between pressure and temperature as a function of Mach Number.  This webinar provides the compressible flow components T - s diagrams and their major performance trends (stagnation over static temperature and pressure) are plotted in a few figures as a function of the Mach Number. 
In this e-seminar (webinar), the student gets familiar with the ideal simple and basic power cycles, power cycle components/processes and compressible flow components and their corresponding T - s and h - T diagrams, operation and major performance trends.



At the conclusion of this e-seminar (webinar), the student will: 
Be familiar with basic energy conversion engineering assumptions and equations
Know basic elements of Carnot Cycle, Brayton Cycle, Otto Cycle, Diesel Cycle, compression, combustion, expansion processes and compressible flow (nozzle, diffuser and thrust) and their p - V, T - s and h - T diagrams
Be familiar with Carnot Cycle, Brayton Cycle, Otto Cycle, Diesel Cycle, compression, combustion, expansion and compressible flow (nozzle, diffuser and thrust) operation
Understand general Carnot Cycle, Brayton Cycle, Otto Cycle, Diesel Cycle, compression, combustion, expansion and compressible flow (nozzle, diffuser and thrust) performance trends 


Power Cycles and Combustion Analysis -- One (1) Hour Long e-Seminar (Webinar) 


In the presented power cycles analysis air is used as the working fluid. However, for the purpose of the Brayton Cycle analysis, in addition to air, argon, helium and nitrogen are considered as the working fluid. 

For each power cycle, a T - s diagram, a p - V diagram, where applicable, and power cycle major performance trends (thermal efficiency, specific power output, power output, specific fuel consumption based on the fuel higher heating value (HHV) and ideal and complete combustion conditions, oxidant to fuel ratio and both weight and mole basis combustion products are plotted in a few figures as a function of compression ratio, turbine inlet temperature and/or final combustion temperature, working fluid mass flow rate and/or specific mass flow rate.  It should be noted that this e-seminar (webinar) does not deal with costs (capital, operational or maintenance). 

In order to make it easy to follow the presented combustion analysis of the ideal power cycles, this e-seminar (webinar) includes a combustion analysis that uses standard air as the oxidant when burning six different fuels at stoichiometric conditions and one fuel (methane -- CH4) at oxidant rich conditions (stoichiometry > 1). Also, the combustion analysis presents how oxidant preheat temperature values have an impact on the flame temperature. 


For combustion analysis, the technical performance at stoichiometric and oxidant rich conditions (stoichiometry > 1) conditions is presented knowing the enthalpy values for combustion reactants and products, given as a function of temperature.  For combustion cases considered, combustion products composition on both weight and mole basis is given in tabular form and plotted in a few figures.  Also, flame temperature, oxidant to fuel ratio and fuel higher heating value (HHV) are presented in tabular form and plotted in a few figures.  The provided output data and plots allow one to determine the major combustion performance laws and trends. 

Ideal, simple and basic power cycles (Carnot Cycle, Brayton Cycle, Otto Cycle and Diesel Cycle) and ideal combustion are presented in this one hour e-seminar (webinar). 


At the conclusion of this e-seminar (webinar), the student will: 
Be familiar with basic energy conversion engineering assumptions and equations
Know basic elements of Carnot Cycle, Brayton Cycle, Otto Cycle, Diesel Cycle and combustion and their p - V and T - s diagrams
Be familiar with Carnot Cycle, Brayton Cycle, Otto Cycle, Diesel Cycle and combustion operation
Understand general Carnot Cycle, Brayton Cycle, Otto Cycle, Diesel Cycle and combustion performance trends 

Power Cycle Components/Processes and Compressible Flow Analysis -- One (1) Hour Long e-Seminar (Webinar) 


The ideal power cycle components/processes (compression, combustion and expansion) and compressible flow components (nozzle, diffuser and thrust) are presented in this one hour e-seminar (webinar).  In the presented power cycle components/processes and compressible flow components analysis, air, argon, helium and nitrogen are used as the working fluid.

For compression and expansion, the technical performance of mentioned power cycle components/processes is presented with a given relationship between pressure and temperature.  While for combustion, the technical performance at stoichiometric and oxidant rich (stoichiometry > 1) conditions is presented knowing the enthalpy values for combustion reactants and products, given as a function of temperature.  This webinar provides the compression and expansion T - s diagrams and their major performance trends plotted in a few figures as a function of compression and expansion pressure ratio and working fluid mass flow rate.  For combustion cases considered, combustion products composition on both weight and mole basis is given in tabular form and plotted in a few figures.  Also, flame temperature, oxidant to fuel ratio and fuel higher heating value (HHV) are presented in tabular form and plotted in a few figures.  In this webinar, the combustion analysis presents how oxidant preheat temperature values have an impact on the flame temperature.  The provided output data and plots allow one to determine the major combustion performance laws and trends. 

For subsonic nozzle, diffuser and thrust, the technical performance of mentioned compressible flow components is presented with a given relationship between pressure and temperature as a function of Mach Number.  This webinar provides the compressible flow components T - s diagrams and their major performance trends (stagnation over static temperature and pressure) are plotted in a few figures as a function of the Mach Number.


At the conclusion of this e-seminar (webinar), the student will:

Be familiar with basic energy conversion engineering assumptions and equations
Know basic elements of the compression, combustion and expansion processes, compressible flow components (nozzle, diffuser and thrust) and their T - s diagrams
Be familiar with the compression, complete and adiabatic combustion of carbon, hydrogen, sulfur, coal, oil and gas, with no heat loss, with standard air as the oxidant, oxidant to fuel ratio, combustion products (both weight and mole composition), expansion, nozzle, diffuser and thrust 
Understand general compression, combustion, expansion, nozzle, diffuser and thrust performance trends 

Combustion Analysis -- One (1) Hour Long e-Seminar (Webinar) 


Ideal, complete and adiabatic combustion of carbon, hydrogen, sulfur, coal, oil and gas, with no heat loss, with standard air and oxygen enriched air as the oxidant at stoichoimetric and oxidant rich (stoichiometry > 1) conditions is presented in this one hour e-seminar (webinar).  Furthermore, basic combustion definitions such as fuel higher heating value (HHV) and flame temperature are provided.  Physical properties of basic combustion reactants and products are presented in an enthalpy vs temperature plot.  For combustion cases considered, combustion products composition on both weight and mole basis is given in tabular form and plotted in a few figures.  Also, flame temperature, oxidant to fuel ratio and fuel higher heating value (HHV) are presented in tabular form and plotted in a few figures.  In this e-seminar (webinar), the combustion analysis presents how oxidant preheat temperature values have an impact on the flame temperature.  The provided output data and plots allow one to determine the major combustion performance laws and trends. 


At the conclusion of this e-seminar (webinar), the student will: Be familiar with basic energy conversion engineering assumptions and equations

Know basic elements of the combustion process, its T - s diagram, the definition of fuel higher heating value (HHV) and flame temperature as well as combustion reactants and products physical properties – enthalpy vs temperature
Be familiar with the complete and adiabatic stoichiometric and oxidant rich (stoichiometry > 1) combustion of carbon, hydrogen, sulfur, coal, oil and gas, with no heat loss, with standard air and oxygen enriched air as the oxidant, combustion products composition on both weight and mole basis, flame temperature, oxidant to fuel ratio and fuel higher heating value (HHV)
Understand general combustion performance trends 

Energy Conversion Analysis (Long Version) -- Two (2) Hours Long e-Seminar (Webinar) 


The ideal, simple and basic power cycles (Carnot Cycle, Brayton Cycle, Otto Cycle and Diesel Cycle), ideal power cycle components/processes (compression, combustion and expansion) and ideal compressible flow components (subsonic nozzle, diffuser and thrust) are presented in this two hour webinar.  In the presented power cycles, power cycle components/processes and compressible flow analysis, in addition to air, argon, helium and nitrogen are considered as the working fluid. 

In the presented power cycles analysis, air is used as the working fluid.  However, for the purpose of the Brayton Cycle analysis, in addition to air, argon, helium and nitrogen are considered as the working fluid.

For each power cycle, a T - s diagram, a p - V diagram, where applicable, and power cycle major performance trends (thermal efficiency, specific power output, power output, specific fuel consumption based on fuel higher heating value (HHV) and ideal and complete combustion conditions, oxidant to fuel ratio and both weight and mole basis combustion products) are plotted in a few figures as a function of compression ratio, turbine inlet temperature and/or final combustion temperature, working fluid mass flow rate and/or specific mass flow rate.  It should be noted that this webinar does not deal with costs (capital, operational or maintenance).

For compression and expansion, the technical performance of mentioned power cycle components/processes is presented with a given relationship between pressure and temperature. 

Ideal, complete and adiabatic combustion of carbon, hydrogen, sulfur, coal, oil and gas, with no heat loss, with standard air and oxygen enriched air as the oxidant at stoichoimetric and oxidant rich (stoichiometry > 1) conditions is presented in this e-seminar (webinar).  Furthermore, basic combustion definitions such as fuel higher heating value (HHV) and flame temperature are provided.  Physical properties of basic combustion reactants and products are presented in an enthalpy vs temperature plot.  For combustion cases considered, combustion products composition on both weight and mole basis is given in tabular form and plotted in a few figures.  Also, flame temperature, oxidant to fuel ratio and fuel higher heating value (HHV) are presented in tabular form and plotted in a few figures. In this e-seminar (webinar), the combustion analysis presents how oxidant preheat temperature values have an impact on the flame temperature.  The provided output data and plots allow one to determine the major combustion performance laws and trends. 

For subsonic nozzle, diffuser and thrust, the technical performance of mentioned compressible flow components is presented with a given relationship between pressure and temperature as a function of Mach Number.  This webinar provides the compressible flow components T - s diagrams and their major performance trends (stagnation over static temperature and pressure) are plotted in a few figures as a function of the Mach Number. 


At the conclusion of this e-seminar (webinar), the student will: 
Be familiar with basic energy conversion engineering assumptions and equations
Know basic elements of Carnot Cycle, Brayton Cycle, Otto Cycle, Diesel Cycle, compression, combustion, expansion processes and compressible flow (nozzle, diffuser and thrust) and their p - V, T - s and h - T diagrams 
Be familiar with Carnot Cycle, Brayton Cycle, Otto Cycle, Diesel Cycle, compression, combustion, expansion and compressible flow (nozzle, diffuser and thrust) operation 
Understand general Carnot Cycle, Brayton Cycle, Otto Cycle, Diesel Cycle, compression, combustion, expansion and compressible flow (nozzle, diffuser and thrust) performance trends 

Energy Conversion Ideal vs Real Operation Analysis -- Two (2) Hours Long e-Seminar (Webinar) 


The simple and basic power cycles (Carnot Cycle, Brayton Cycle, Otto Cycle and Diesel Cycle), power cycle components/processes (compression, combustion and expansion) and compressible flow components (subsonic nozzle, diffuser and thrust) are presented in this two hour e-seminar (webinar).  In the presented power cycles, power cycle components/processes and compressible flow analysis, air is used as the working fluid. 

For each power cycle thermal efficiency is presented and/or given in its final form. Also, for each power cycle, a T - s diagram and power cycle major performance trends (thermal efficiency, specific power output and power output) are plotted in a few figures as a function of compression ratio, turbine inlet temperature and/or final combustion temperature, working fluid mass flow rate and isentropic compression and expansion efficiency.  It should be noted that this webinar does not deal with costs (capital, operational or maintenance). 

For compression and expansion, the technical performance of mentioned power cycle components/processes is presented with a given relationship between pressure and temperature.  While for combustion, the technical performance at stoichiometric conditions is presented knowing the enthalpy values for combustion reactants and products, given as a function of temperature.  This webinar provides the compression and expansion T - s diagrams and their major performance trends plotted in a few figures as a function of compression and expansion ratio, working fluid mass flow rate and isentropic compression and expansion efficiency.  For combustion cases considered, combustion products composition on both weight and mole basis is given in tabular form and plotted in a few figures.   Also, flame temperature, oxidant to fuel ratio and fuel higher heating value (HHV) are presented in tabular form and plotted in a few figures.  The provided output data and plots allow one to determine the major combustion performance laws and trends. 

For subsonic nozzle, diffuser and thrust, the technical performance of mentioned compressible flow components is presented with a given relationship between pressure and temperature as a function of Mach Number and isentropic nozzle and diffuser efficiency.  This webinar provides the compressible flow components T - s diagrams and their major performance trends (stagnation over static temperature and pressure) are plotted in a few figures as a function of the Mach Number. 

In this e-seminar (webinar), the student gets familiar with the ideal simple and basic power cycles, power cycle components/processes and compressible flow components and their corresponding T - s and h - T diagrams, operation and major performance trends.


At the conclusion of this e-seminar (webinar), the student will: 
Be familiar with basic energy conversion engineering assumptions and equations
Know basic elements of Carnot Cycle, Brayton Cycle, Otto Cycle, Diesel Cycle, compression, combustion, expansion processes and compressible flow (nozzle, diffuser and thrust) and their p - V, T - s and h - T diagrams
Be familiar with Carnot Cycle, Brayton Cycle, Otto Cycle, Diesel Cycle, compression, combustion, expansion and compressible flow (nozzle, diffuser and thrust) ideal vs real operation
Understand general Carnot Cycle, Brayton Cycle, Otto Cycle, Diesel Cycle, compression, combustion, expansion and compressible flow (nozzle, diffuser and thrust) performance trends 

Engineering Software

P.O. Box 2134

Kensington, MD 20891

Phone:  (301) 919-9670


Copyright © 1996

Last Update:  January, 2025

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