Engineering Software
Energy Conversion Spreadsheet
ISBN 1-58514-304-9
Price: $19.99
Engineering Software has developed a spreadsheet (Energy Conversion Spreadsheet) that quickly, easily and reliably calculates thermodynamic and transport properties of a few gaseous, liquid and solid species, analyzes power cycles, power cycle components/processes and compressible flow.
Spreadsheet Options
Physical Properties
Temperature (270 K < T < 5,000 K)
C(S), H2(G), S(S), N2(G), O2(G), H2O(L), CH4(G), C2H2(G), C2H4(G), C2H6(G), CO(G), CO2(G), H2O(G), SO2(G) and AIR
Power Cycles -- Ideal + Real Operation
Brayton (Power + Propulsion)
Fuel Cell
Power Cycle Components/Processes -- Ideal + Real Operation
Combustion (Carbon/Hydrogen/Sulfur/Coal/Oil/Gas)
Compressible Flow -- Ideal + Real Operation
Velocity of Sound
Mach Number
Properties (Stagnation and Static)
Normal Shock
This spreadsheet should prove to be a good tool for those who are involved at various levels with design, operation and management of energy conversion systems (power and propulsion systems). It should provide you with the opportunity to more quickly, easily and effectively do your work, explore more options, save time and give more confidence in carrying out your calculations.
Hardware Requirements and Software Compatibility:
486 and higher microprocessor, 16 MB RAM, 10 MB hard drive, Microsoft® Windows 98®, Windows 2000®, Windows ME®, Windows XP®, Windows Vista® , Windows 7®, Windows 8®, Windows 8.1® and Windows 10®
Note: Required Microsoft® Office 97® (Microsoft® Excel 97®) or higher and/or other spreadsheet compatible applications!